From being designer #1 to a design team of 25 plus, I played multiple roles as a Service & UX designer — 🔍 the researcher, 🦮 the facilitator, 🎬 the orchestrator, ✍️ the experience designer.

The smallholder agricultural supply chain is broken.

Today, an estimated 500 million smallholder farmers produce up to 70 percent of the world’s food; yet 90 percent of smallholders earn less than the living income standard.

By improving the earning capacity of smallholder farmers and simultaneously teaching them more effective, efficient, and sustainable farming methods, we can lift millions out of poverty.

Jiva does this through providing four key services to small holder farmers in Indonesia.

Context I am designing for — the blend of human-physical-digital.

As we build digital products for farmers and the rural community, we cannot neglect their physical networks, their dependence on traditional-trusted ways of working and must embrace the delicate aspects of human connections and strong sense of community.

We thus deliver our products & services through an integrated ecosystem of farmers, village-level entrepreneurs, and agri-retailers, who are supported by a blend of Physical and Digital approaches.

check out the project on redesigning the role of Activation Coordinator