
We redesigned an operative and analytical web application of Predictive Policing that improved the workflow efficiency & effectiveness of police officers. It allowed them to fully focus on the investigation and predict when, where and how a criminal is likely to hit next, thus improving their safety and optimising the dispatch of resources.

* This project was carried out while working at the design agency, THINGS, in Milan.

Get in touchwith me for more details related to this project; such as my role, the problems i faced, the processes i used and how i addressed the challenges.

things logo a design and innovation agency for the Internet of Things. We create products & services with their own experiential ecosystems outlined by multi-channel touch points. We envision products and services in the IoT era through a human-centred approach.



Keycrime was created and developed to fight robberies in the metropolitan area of Milan. It combines the investigation and analytical experience of police officers with complex algorithms to provide them with accurate crime forecasting, allowing them to track criminal behaviour and catch them before the next crime.

YEAR: 2018 - 2019DURATION: 5 monthsPROJECT TYPE: Redesigning a web application and a dashboard for criminal investigation.TEAM MEMBERS: Design team of THINGS, MilanMY ROLE: Researching of inspiration on UX & UI elements, mapping of Information Architecture, wireframing of screens, writing script and sketching storyboard for video, visual design consultation and prototyping of application on Adobe XD.

Our aim was to redesign the interaction, user experience and visual design of the existing web application so that all its product functionalities are easy to use. This improvement in the workflow will also allow for the product to be scaled and used by police officers in different cities in the world.



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