Facilitation, Research, Service Design, UX & Business Strategy

From Silos to Synergy: How a Service Blueprint Workshop broke barriers for better collaboration and transformation across the org.

I facilitated a Service Blueprint Workshop at Jiva to create cross-team awareness and provide holistic visibility of current processes. The workshop highlighted user needs and pain points while revealing challenges faced by the internal service delivery team.

The workshop led to a strategic pivot, redefining the organisation's direction, goals, and four key areas of focus.

Context of the project

Jiva set ambitious targets for 2023. By mid-year, our progress fell short of expectations.

This prompted us to pause, evaluate our shortcomings, and identify areas for improvement.

know more about Jiva's stakeholder ecosystem



My role

🔍 The Researcher, 🎯 the UX Strategist, ✍️ the Service Experience Designer, 🦮 the Facilitator, and 🎬 the Orchestrator.

I collaborated with the Leadership team, Field-ops teams, Operations leads, Data Science team, Product Managers, Growth & Training teams, Researchers and Customer Support team.

Teams working in isolation exacerbated these problems.

We needed to better address user needs while improving our internal teams' efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

How do we ensure collective & productive efforts towards a common goal?

see project outcomes >>

It was imperative to do this exercise together with all the teams in Jiva; — a workshop.

Bring awareness & visibility

to the challenges (pains) faced by MCs across the entire experience.

Identify possible blind spots

that might have missed out which were preventing us from reaching our goals.

Prioritise focus areas

to work on in the next 3-6 months to create a positive change in the MCs' journey with us.

We started by bringing in different perspectives; we looked outwards and inwards.

We analysed inbound and outbound calls by the Customer Support Team.

And gathered quant data from Data Science Team to define the extent of the pain point.

This resulted in a comprehensive customer journey from the MC's perspective.

We also synthesised and added the impact these pains have on the MCs, our internal teams and Jiva’s business.

Service Blueprint; the anchor for the workshop.

It covered all the phases of the user’s journey with Jiva; from Awareness, Recruitment, and Onboarding, to completing input & offtake transactions, solving queries and getting trained on new product updates.

Answering the many many questions to plan and prepare for the workshop.

Planning a workshop is thinking backwards. Visualise the ideal result at the beginning.


What deliverable will I produce at the end?


What expertise do I need to be present in the workshop? Topic promoters? Domain experts? Managers? Local context?

How many representatives of one role or function do you need? How will I ensure equality? How will I ensure collaboration? Managing loudest voice and silent thinkers?


Visas, time, date, location, workshop space? Test prints? Font size? Final Print-outs? Post-its? Markers? Food, allergies, dietary requirements? Veg? No Carbs! Reminders to send? Costs?

Pre workshop expectations

Preparing agenda, pre-read? setting expectation of what they need to do before the workshop and during?

Workshop format and structure

What will be the format of the workshop? Online, Offline, or Hybrid? Several hours or full-day?

What will participants do in the workshop? Warm ups? Energisers? Walking around time? Individual time? time to collaborate all together or split into working groups?

What will each exercise be like? How much time will participants need for each exercise? where will participants get the information for each exercise? how will each exercise feed into the next one? what visual structure will help the team to contribute?

How to avoid people being distracted? How to manage time during the workshop?

2-day workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia —

We captured things different teams brought on their board and voted for; and felt was important for them to get to their goals in the next 6 months.

The outcome of the Blueprinting Workshop was a driving factor for change within the organisation.

While formulating the budget for 2024, the leadership team recognised that redesigning the role of the Activation Coordinators was going to be a key area of focus for the entire org; resulting in a major change and pivot in the Strategy & Business goals for 2024.

Thank you & keep collaborating! 🤝🚀