Research, UX Strategy, User Experience, Digital UX/UI

A multi-faceted 'Progression System' to engages users in diverse ways.

We developed a Progression System tailored to different user archetypes, featuring both short and long-term engagement components and rewards. This system enabled Jiva to automate internal processes based on user performance, rewarding top users (MCs) and identifying underperformers for support or removal.

As a result, we saw improvements in SLA compliance, increased transactions and faster credit recovery timelines.

Project context

We hypothesized that an engagement system could motivate our users (MCs) to transact more with Jiva.

To test this, we needed to design a system tailored to our context and target audience, considering all relevant nuances and constraints.

know more about Jiva's stakeholder ecosystem



My role

🔍 The Researcher, 🎯 the UX Strategist, ✍️ the Experience Designer, 🎬 the Orchestrator and 📱the UX/UI Designer.

I collaborated with Users, Leadership team, Field-ops teams, Operations leads, Business Strategist, Front & Back-end Developers, Product Managers, Researchers and Data Science team.

Our delivery of value to farmers was hindered by poor performing MCs.

We faced a disparity in the performance of our users (MCs), with some excelling while others underperforming.

Poor-performing MCs didn't transact enough or comply with credit SLAs, hindering our business outcomes and failing to deliver Jiva's value to farmers.

We lacked an effective way to holistically measure MC performance.

Consequently, some potential high performers lost interest and churned due to insufficient support.

This inefficiency prevented us from optimally managing our internal costs and focusing our efforts on the right MCs.

see project outcomes >>

This approach helped us understand what worked, what didn't, and how people reacted, thereby reducing overall risk and refining our idea.

Potential risks which needed to be tested

Some of the prototypes we designed to learn which system elements excited users, confused them, or made them nervous.

We learned that growth means different things to different MCs.

Each user archetype has unique needs, drivers and things that they value; requiring tailored strategies to keep them engaged and motivated.

We had to design a progression system that caters to the diverse needs of our users.

While some users need support and assurance to benefit from the program, others gain confidence as soon as they start earning rewards.

Many also expressed that such a program would help them see their impact on their communities and farmers' lives.

These insights shaped the guiding principles for designing the various elements of our progression system.

How might we craft personalised engagement journeys that ignite motivation and ensure every MC thrives within our progression system?

We want to create a system that challenges MCs but still feels attainable.

A system that supports poor performers while offering more growth opportunities to high performers.

We also considered key use cases and contextual nuances like crop seasonality, sustained poor performance, and the viability and risk of rewards and benefits.

We played games and organised ideation workshops.

We drew inspiration from the step-by-step onboarding process used in games to introduce rules, nuances and complex elements to users.

We involved all teams across the org. in the design process to get diverse perspectives and ideas.

We explored multiple system designs and ran simulations for various use cases.

With the Leadership, Engineering and Busines teams, we debated the details of each system, weighing the pros and cons based on user desirability, business viability, and execution feasibility.

To ensure continuous engagement and commitment from MCs, we developed an 'Engagement Framework' that goes beyond just 'Levels'.

We offered a range of rewards and benefits to motivate everyone at every stage of their journey.

These include transaction-based benefits, as well as one-time and time-limited rewards.

We conducted a pilot using WhatsApp, and it yeilded positive results.

We needed to test if our detailed ideas and concepts would work on the ground before investing in engineering efforts.

To mitigate risks, we ran a pilot, providing weekly updates to the MCs with their points, penalties, and current star levels.

With this confidence, we quickly created wireframes and tested it with users.

The goal of the digital touchpoint was to enable users to track their current level, understand how they have gained or lost points, and stay informed about the latest schemes to earn more points.

Finally, we worked with product managers and operations teams to implement the designs.

Starting with the Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) and progressing to subsequent versions, we set up KPIs and metrics to track its adoption and effectiveness.

The Progression System was designed in a multi-faceted way that enabled Jiva to tailor engagement experiences at an individual MCs level.

On top of the five Tiers; engagement elemets such as Challenges, Achievements, Side quests and Milestones gave flexibility to tailor engagement experiences at

Jiva was able to automate its internal systems to optimally reward, support or penalise MCs depending on performance.

It helped us reward high-performing MCs to keep them engaged while identifying low performers for additional support or removal, saving costs.

We successfully motivated MCs to transact and comply to our SLAs, this was reflected by an increase in the number of input orders delivered within the SLA and a reducting in the time taken for MCs to deliver inputs to farmers.

Additionally, we shortened the credit recovery time from MCs, allowing faster cash rotation and positively impacting our bottom line.

We also designed a internal tool for field teams which enabled them to view details about users (MCs) and their performance; and create customised engagement schemes tailored to the unique needs of their regions and ability to forecast its potential impact on cost & revenue.

Thank you & keep earning points! ⭐🎁