
An Internet of Things enabled payment & tracking service that centralises all your payment methods and improves your payment experience making it personalised & seamless. It also helps you to manage and analyse your expenses effectively & efficiently.



The aim of the project was to design a new generation of payment experiences across digital & physical touchpoints. Designing a service for the cashless society comes with its fair share of challenges. Security issues, data sharing between different stakeholders, privacy of personal data, especially in a crowded environment while making payment, and gaining of people’s trust in using the different elements that makes up the cashless experience.

YEAR: 2016DURATION: 4 daysPROJECT TYPE: Designing of financial services.TEAM MEMBERS: Christina Sadek, Piti Pravichpaibul & Elisabeth Graf.MY ROLE: Primary & Secondary Research, Analysing research, Ideation & final detailing of concept and Storyboarding.


Initially it was vital to understand the bigger picture so as to curate a research plan and a project timeline laying out goals and deliverables at each stage of the project.

Desk research was carried out in order to understand the current state of the cashless society and how transactions are made. And which government policies and technological innovations are enabling the growth of the cashless society.

User behaviour observation was carried out to get a deep understanding and empathise with the consumer's actions, their state of mind and their contextual environment when they make payments and manage their expenses.

This research was analysed to build multiple personas (each group was asked to focus on only one persona) and a user journey/experience was mapped out in order to identify the various pain points and opportunity areas.

The mapping of the user experience allowed us to identify vairous insights and opportunities for developing concepts. We also identified various challenges that we will need to tackle in order to have a UX strategy and service-experience that is feasible and sucessfull.

We found that, currently people have too many cards to manage during payments, and also it can be time-consuming and difficult to categorise the different types of expenses in their daily lives; especially for people who are entrepreneurs and have to juggle their finances between their personal & business life.

All the insights from the research analysis was used to ideate various concepts. One of the concepts were further consolidated to design the final Save service.

The service experience of Save for 2 main use-cases; making a payment and management of finances, was visualised through a storyboard.



The Save service provides a new clutter-free way of making everyday payments thus streamlining the payment experience. It allows a way in which information of multiple credit, debit, private label & loyalty cards can be stored and accessed efficiently. Thus providing a secure & efficient payment experience with one press of a button - no wallet needed - an all-in-one smart device & wallet.

Save leverages on the IoT to tracks user location, purchase history/behaviour, emails & calendar activities. It is a smart system that learns user behaviours and provides personalised suggestions related to payment & future spending. It also helps you to save time and effort by visualising financial information in an understandable & manageable way, provide future projections and assist you in setting of financial goals.

Overall, it is a living services that wraps around people’s lives and evolves with usage by learning, acting & predicting to match user's expectations so that they can to live a life that is seamless, stress free & brings a smile on their faces.

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